Polaris is the end-to-end manufacturing software used by Web Industries. Web is an innovative flexible-materials converter and manufacturer serving Fortune 100 companies including aerospace, telecommunications, medical and pharmaceutical industries, emerging technologies, and many more. Polaris provides cost-cutting automation, advanced process and business transaction efficiencies, high to low altitude production and profit visibility, and most of all, critical strategic advantage over competitors in meeting specialized customer information needs. Polaris serves over 400 users at four U.S. and one European plant locations.
Fiber Optic Spool Refurbishing
No longer in service
Gemini is a fiber-optic spool refurbishing and recycling management system developed for Web Industries. Gemini manages 50,000 individual barcoded spools per month from incoming through shipping, and provides feedback on inventory status and production rates
Because these software applications provide competitive advantage, ethical obligations prevent them being available for sale to the public. They are presented here as examples of experience, excellence, and successful implementation.